Maison de l’Artisan is governed by a Board of Directors (BoD), a Strategic Committee (SC), an Audit Committee (AC), a Management Committee (MC) and a General Management (GM).
The Board of Directors, chaired by the Minister for Crafts or his representative, is made up of the following members:
- The Minister of the Interior or his representative;
- The Minister of Foreign Affairs or his representative;
- The Minister of Finance or his representative;
- The Minister for Tourism or his/her representative;
- The Minister for Cultural Affairs or his representative;
- The President of the Fédération des Chambres d’Artisanat;
- Three representatives of craft chambers;
- Three representatives of trade associations appointed by order of the government authority in charge of crafts.
The Board of Directors, chaired by the Minister for Crafts or his representative, is made up of the following members:
- The Minister of the Interior or his representative;
- The Minister of Foreign Affairs or his representative;
- The Minister of Finance or his representative;
- The Minister for Tourism or his/her representative;
- The Minister for Cultural Affairs or his representative;
- The President of the Fédération des Chambres d’Artisanat;
- Three representatives of craft chambers;
- Three representatives of trade associations appointed by order of the government authority in charge of crafts.
The aforementioned board meets twice a year to report on achievements and discuss and validate the proposed action plan.
The Management Committee operates during the vacancy of the Board of Directors and on its delegation. It ensures that decisions taken by the Board are properly implemented.
The MC, chaired by the Ministry in charge, is made up of the following members:
- A member of the Fédération des Chambres d’Artisanat ;
- A member of the Fédération des Entreprises d’Artisanat (FEA);
- A representative of the Ministry of Finance;
- The General Manager of the Maison de l’Artisan in his capacity as rapporteur.
Organization of the MDA :
Maison de l’Artisan’s new organization chart is based around four Departments, enabling it to execute its 2021 – 2025 strategy optimally and efficiently, while taking into account the major structural and cyclical changes that have impacted the sector.
- Strategic Marketing Direction:
The Strategic Marketing Department is responsible for :
- Developing and steering marketing and sales strategies for Moroccan craft products;
- Design and management of the Maison de l’Artisan’s corporate marketing strategy;
- Strategic and operational planning in coordination with stakeholders;
- Set up and deploy a strategic and competitive intelligence system;
- Design and deployment of a statistics and data management system to improve knowledge of demand and markets;
- Deployment of studies and surveys conducive to the development of domestic and international markets for Moroccan craft products;
- Publication of information and data to support decision-making by sector operators and stakeholders;
- Development and structuring of support and coaching programs for operators in the crafts sector, enabling them to improve their competitiveness and level of performance;
- Strengthening relations within the framework of bilateral and multilateral cooperation partnerships;
- Development and management of support programs for operators in the sector, notably in partnership with trade associations.
- Actors Assistance Direction :The Actors Assistance Direction is responsible for :
- Managing and executing the various player support programs developed by the Strategic Marketing Department;
- Implementation and execution of commercial contracts and programs developed by the Promotion and Communication Department;
- Support production and marketing aggregators to facilitate their access to national and foreign markets;
- Assist and support artisans in their marketing efforts by diversifying product distribution channels, in particular via e-commerce platforms;
- Strengthen craftsmen’s productive and commercial capabilities through centers of excellence (adoption of new tools or processes, optimization of production processes and equipment, training, etc.).
- Improved marketing of craft products through access to central purchasing agencies, large retailers, sales outlets, high-traffic areas, etc. (product referencing, cost pooling, etc.);
- Support artisans in improving their raw materials procurement processes, and deliveries of semi-finished and finished products for export.
- Management of export programs;
- Monitoring the selection of beneficiaries of support programs;
- Communication and dissemination of programs and support mechanisms to target players;
- Operational monitoring, impact measurement and feedback from the field to ensure continuous improvement of programs and support systems;
- Direction of Promotion and Communication :The Promotion and Communication Direction is responsible for :
- Developing commercial partnerships between different players to increase sales volumes;
- Facilitating craft sales, particularly via e-commerce;
- Developing sales of Moroccan crafts on target markets (Moroccan and foreign) through prospecting, canvassing and developing relations between producers and distribution networks;
- Planning, preparation, organization and supervision of the presence of craft operators at trade shows and fairs;
- Carrying out activities to promote the presence of Moroccan crafts at trade shows and exhibitions;
- Promoting Moroccan handicrafts in distribution networks and sales outlets;
- Organization of business and prospecting missions for craft companies;
- Define, coordinate and implement the MDA’s communication plan (messages, media, channels and means of communication, etc.);
- Definition, planning and implementation of communication actions for Moroccan
- Crafts and the development of its reputation in Morocco and abroad;
Drawing up and implementing communication plans (digital, media, PR and events); - Management of sponsorship initiatives as part of sales promotion;
- Development of “Go to Market” sales initiatives, particularly through digital channels;
- Develop “Go to Market” sales initiatives, particularly through digital channels;
- Development and management of the brand image and awareness of Moroccan handicrafts by developing communication actions adapted to its positioning;
- Design, development and dissemination of advertising messages;
- Choice of media and communication channels aimed at consumers and professionals in target markets;
- Promotion of the “Brand”;
- Development of internal communication within MDA;
- Sales promotion in Morocco (SNA, regional trade fairs, etc.);
- Organization of national events (trade shows and fairs);
- Support and Information Systems Direction :
The Support and Information Systems Department is responsible for :
- Planning and management of human, financial and material resources;
- Management of supplies, contracts and relations with suppliers and financial organizations;
- Maintaining financial equilibrium and ensuring the profitability of the resources made available to the MDA;
- Development and implementation of accounting, financial, legal, administrative, human resources and budgetary organization in compliance with current regulations, financial balances, overall strategy and action plans;
- Budget preparation and management;
- Human capital management and development (training and skills renewal plans);
- Purchasing and general administration;
- Management of legal affairs;
- Development of the MDA’s information system master plan;
- Design, implementation and adaptation of the MDA’s information system components to the establishment’s orientations and objectives;
- Design and implementation of actions to modernize and promote management methods within the MDA;
- Contribute to the administration’s digital transformation process;
- Reinforcement of the internal control system;
- Formalize, automate and update the MDA’s internal procedures in accordance with current regulations;
- Management of the MDA’s tangible and intangible assets;
- Archive management;